Vacation in Singapore!
I'm coming back ppl!!! Get Ready For ME!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
(Disclaimer note: Author has obviously forgotten to consume his medication. Please excuse his temporal insanity.)
Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.
I'm coming back ppl!!! Get Ready For ME!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
(Disclaimer note: Author has obviously forgotten to consume his medication. Please excuse his temporal insanity.)
For the benefit of Marina, who asked me to do this quiz. I've done it before but the results were kept in my PC back in Singapore (I think). So I've decided to redo the whole darn quiz again only to find out that instead of the previous result of a slightly more male brain. I've now a perfectly balanced brain that shows equally both traits of male and female... Thus explains why I was able to do this post...
Nonetheless, here's the results:
Part 1
![]() | Angles | ||||||||||||
This task tested your ability to identify the angle of a line by matching it with its twin. This is a spatial task, which looks at how you picture space. Your score: 13 out of 20Average score for men: 15.1 out of 20 Average score for women: 13.3 out of 20
What does your result suggest? If you scored 13 - 17: You found this test neither hard nor easy. This suggests your brain has male and female traits when it comes to spatial ability. If you scored 18 - 20: You have more of a male brain. On average, men outperform women in this task and those with more mathematical knowledge tend to score quite high as well. In past studies, 60 per cent of the people in this range were men. Interestingly, men's testosterone levels fluctuate through the seasons and studies have shown that men's scores are lower in the spring, when their testosterone levels are at their lowest. Do our cave dwelling ancestors offer us any clues about why men and women score differently on this task? Find out more. | |||||||||||||
![]() | Spot the difference | ||||||||||||
This task tested your ability to identify which objects changed position. You lost points, if you incorrectly identified objects. Your score: 64%Average score for men: 39% Average score for women: 46%
What does your score suggest? If you scored between 34 - 66%: You may have a balanced female-male brain. If you scored between 67 - 100%: Those with a female-type brain generally score in this range. Your ability to remember where objects are may serve as an advantage to you when you're trying to find your way around places. You're more capable of recalling landmarks to get from one place to another. Find out more about our spatial abilities.
![]() | Fingers |
We asked you to measure your ring and index fingers. Your ratios came to: Right Hand: 0.98Left Hand: 1 Average ratio for men: 0.982 Average ratio for women: 0.991 It's thought that your ratio is governed by the amount of testosterone you were exposed to in your mother's womb. The ratio of the length of your index finger to the length of your ring finger is set for life by as early as three months after conception. Even during puberty, when we experience intensive hormonal changes, the ratio stays the same. Men generally have a ring finger that is longer than their index finger, which gives them a lower ratio than women, whose ring and index fingers are usually of equal length. Studies have found that men and women with lots of brothers generally have more masculine finger ratios. Find out what other things scientists think our ratios may tell us. |
![]() | Faces |
This task looked at how you rate the attractiveness of a series of faces. The images you looked at were digitally altered to create slight differences in masculinity. Your choices suggest you prefer more feminine faces. Highly masculinised male faces possess more extreme testosterone markers such as a long, broad and lower jaw, as well as more pronounced brow ridges and cheekbones. Interestingly, women's preferences are said to vary across the menstrual phase. A more masculine face is preferred during the 9 days prior to ovulation, when conception is most likely. A typical 'attractive' female face possesses features such as a shorter, narrower, lower jaw, fuller lips and larger eyes than an average face. Are you surprised at what researchers think they can learn from your answers? Find out more. |
![]() | 3D shapes |
This task tested your ability to mentally rotate 3D shapes. Your score: 12 out of 12 What does your result suggest? If you scored 7 - 9: In past studies, 50 per cent of the people who scored in this range were women and 50 per cent were men. If you scored 10 - 12: Are you an engineer or do you have a science background? People with these skills tend to score in this range. Past studies have concluded that people in this range have a more male brain. Nearly a third of men who took this test got full marks, whereas less than 10 per cent of women managed the same. Find out why. |
![]() | Words |
This task looked at your verbal fluency. Your score: you associated 10 word(s) with grey and you named 9 word(s) that mean happy. We are assuming that all the words you entered are correct. Average score for men: 11.4 words totalAverage score for women: 12.4 words total What does your result suggest? If you produced 6 - 10 words: Most people in this range have a female-type brain. Women are said to use both sides of the brain when doing verbal tasks while men mainly use their left side. Studies have shown that girls develop vocabulary faster than boys. This difference in brain power is caused by levels of pre-natal testosterone. Find out more . |
![]() | Ultimatum |
This task asked you how you would divide money. If you had to split £50 with someone, you said you would demand £25 So far on the Sex ID test, men have demanded 51.6% (£25.80) of the pot and women have demanded 51.0% (£25.50), on average.
What does your response suggest? Scientists believe that people with lower testosterone levels tend to take fewer risks so they are probably more willing to keep less for themselves. Those with higher testosterone levels tend to drive a harder bargain and are less compromising. Men's testosterone levels fluctuate over the seasons and are at their lowest levels during the springtime. This is said to influence their bargaining power. Find out more about the role of testosterone. |
You should roughly know how bored I am by the number of online quizzes I'm doing... I was doing some of them simultaneously to the point where I didn't even know what I'm answering the questions for. I had to stop when I tried the Birth Order Predictor.... I must have submitted something that's out of character because it predicted me to be a 3rd born... Even the blood type test was wrong. I'm an A type but my inner self is a B? OH NO! Koreans believes Type B guys makes the worse boyfriends. :P
You Are An Invisible Ex |
![]() You're so over your ex, you hardly even remember you have an ex You prefer leave all of the baggage behind you - far, far behind As they say, indifference is the opposite of love! |
Your IQ Is 115 |
![]() Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Above Average |
Your Inner Blood Type is Type B |
![]() You follow your own rules in life, even if you change the rules every day. Sure, you tend to be off the wall and unpredictable, but that's what makes you lovable. And even though you're a wild child, you have the tools to be a great success. You are able to concentrate intently - and make the impossible possible. You are most compatible with: B and AB Famous Type B's: Leonardo Di Caprio and |
Your Personality Profile |
![]() You are nurturing, kind, and lucky. Like mother nature, you want to help everyone. You are good at keeping secrets and tend to be secretive. A seeker of harmony, you are a natural peacemaker. You are good natured and people enjoy your company. You put people at ease and make them feel at home with you. |
You Are Likely a First Born |
![]() At your darkest moments, you feel guilty. At work and school, you do best when you're researching. When you love someone, you tend to agree with them often. In friendship, you are considerate and compromising. Your ideal careers are: business, research, counseling, promotion, and speaking. You will leave your mark on the world with discoveries, new information, and teaching people to dream. |
Your Hair Should Be Orange |
![]() Expressive, deep, and one of a kind. You pull off "weird" well - hardly anyone notices. |
You Are Kermit |
![]() Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know. You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems. Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green. Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! |
Your Observation Skills Get A B- |
![]() Your senses are pretty sharp (okay, most of the time) And it takes something big to distract you! |
You Are 45% Addicted to Love |
![]() Might as well face it, you're addicted to love. You've been a fool for love many times - but are you the wiser for it? Your needs should come first, both in and out of relationships. Because you're the only one who can look out for yourself! |
You Should Learn Chinese |
![]() Surprised? You shouldn't be - Chinese is perfect for an ambitious person like you. You're a natural entrepreneur, and a billion people are waiting to do business with you! |
What Your Sleeping Position Says |
You are calm and rational. You are also giving and kind - a great friend. You are easy going and trusting. However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games. |
Your Kissing Purity Score: 43% Pure
You're not one to kiss and tell...
But word is, you kiss pretty well.
You Are a Prophet Soul |
![]() You are a gentle soul, with good intentions toward everyone. Selfless and kind, you have great faith in people. Sometimes this faith can lead to disappoinment in the long run. No matter what, you deal with everything in a calm and balanced way. You are a good interpreter, very sensitive, intuitive, caring, and gentle. Concerned about the world, you are good at predicting people's feelings. A seeker of wisdom, you are a life long learner looking for purpose and meaning. You are a great thinker and communicator, but not necessarily a doer. Souls you are most compatible with: Bright Star Soul and Dreaming Soul |
You're a Romantic Kisser |
![]() For you, kissing is all about feeling the romance You love to kiss under the stars or by the sea The perfect kiss involves the perfect mood It's pretty common for kisses to sweep you off your feet |
Looking at the title, people might think that this is going to be a technophobic piece. Nope, I've got nothing against technology. In fact, I love getting new gadgets. What I really hate is gadgets that don't work like they're supposed to.
For example, I have to go thru this metal detector at the airport twice a day for 2 days a week. At first, I'd religiously empty out my pockets of metallic objects before going through the metal detector. Then one day, I'd actually forgotten to take out my cellphone. I walked thru the detector without a glitch. I didn't know what I did until I was about to walk thru it again later in the day. I was messaging on my phone while I walking towards the detector. When I remembered it wasn't beeping when I walked thru with my phone previously, I decided to be bolder and walk with the phone in my hand. I did and nothing happened. The policewoman didn't even bat an eyelid when I walked thru the detector with my phone.
I wondered if they didn't switch it on for some reason. So a couple of days later, I pulled the stunt again and waited for someone else to pass through the gate. It beeped like it should have when the other guy walked through. Its definitely not working.
Feeling cheeky, I went back on another day, this time with all kinds of metallic objects I could stuff into my pockets. Coins, phone, keys and keychain, metallic belt buckle, rings..... The metal detector was adamant. It refused to acknowledge the presence of the metals. Bloody hell! I'm starting to think that the machine has already decided that I wasn't any threat to the security.
Then one fine day.... I walked thru without the metallic objects. I was only holding on to a book. It bloody BEEPED me! I looked at the book title-"Angels and Demons"... This machine must be a muslim extremist.....
Last night, I accidentally touched a scar in her heart. It wasn't really a scar but rather an old wound that hasn't healed completely. She has been stitching up her injury by herself, however painful it must be. She retaliated in anger and frustration when I touched the scar.
I didn't mean to harm her or to cause her distress. I have my own scars even though they are very much different from her, they were still inflictions from the past. I suppose I was lucky that I was able to push my pain away and let the wounds close up by themselves. Unfortunately, she has constant reminders of the pain.
She doesn't want any help from others while she tends to herself. I respect that because it is a strength of her's. I would still be standing right beside her when she heals herself. So that I may catch her if she stumbles, so that I may hug her if she shivers. I want so desperately to grow bigger and stronger. So that I can provide a wing over her head should she need it one day.
I want to do it not because I am noble nor because I understand her pain. I want to do it because I've willingly sacrificed my heart to her. My heart hurts because hers does.....