Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Stuck in the kangaroo's pouch

Having nothing better to do on this cold Brisbane night.... just realised friendster has blog columns... how interesting. I supposed it has to come sooner or later...

I have no freakin' idea how cold it can be in Australia during autumn... I'm feeling kinda miserable. Does it really pay to be a nice guy? I'm in Brisbane now with my funds running low for me. Things aren't looking good. But it shouldn't have happened this way! I planned the bloody trip for Pete's sake. And so begins the story of the guy who was trying to be nice.

Just a month before I was to embark on my trip, a childhood friend of mine called me on my cellphone. He needed a favour...... He wanted to borrow some money. Having already planned for the trip, I knew that if I lent him the money, the trip will have to be cancelled. Being the "NICE" guy that I am. I lent him the money, on the promise that he'll be returning it the day before I fly off to Australia. Hmm... I've known that fella for more than a decade, what could possibly go wrong? Turns out Murphy's Law is right... Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. My good friend here couldn't return me the money because he had lent it to someone else and that peson can only come up with the amount 2 days later! Oh great, so what am I supposed to do? I can't possibly go back on my promise with my other friends that I'll be going to Australia.

So... I had to go to Australia with whatever little money I still had in my bank account and asked him to transfer the money to my defunct account which happens to have a debit card issued. Things turned out fine until I discovered that I couldn't draw out the cash in Australia...There is no such thing as an POSB here. It took me 8 days in Australia to find an ATM that allows drawing cash from master cards. Now I really regret cancelling my credit cards...

Worst still, I forgot that the rest of my money was in another bank's account, which I do not have internet banking with...that means I can't transfer the money to my debit card. Therefore, I've come to the situation where one has the money but without the ability to spend it....

So I decided to message my brother for some assistance. For 3 days, I didn't get a reply from him. I called him then just to make sure, the phone hangs up on me... how convenient. I really wonder if he's avoiding lending the money to his own flesh and blood brother or if the telecommunication network is that bad. I really want to believe in the latter. The thought that my own brother would be cruel enough to ignore my pleas for help can be really depressing. I just hope rays of hope will come shining on me again...before I shed feathered wings for a forked tail and throw away a halo for demon horns... I really hate myself sometimes.