Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Stupid Technology

Looking at the title, people might think that this is going to be a technophobic piece. Nope, I've got nothing against technology. In fact, I love getting new gadgets. What I really hate is gadgets that don't work like they're supposed to.

For example, I have to go thru this metal detector at the airport twice a day for 2 days a week. At first, I'd religiously empty out my pockets of metallic objects before going through the metal detector. Then one day, I'd actually forgotten to take out my cellphone. I walked thru the detector without a glitch. I didn't know what I did until I was about to walk thru it again later in the day. I was messaging on my phone while I walking towards the detector. When I remembered it wasn't beeping when I walked thru with my phone previously, I decided to be bolder and walk with the phone in my hand. I did and nothing happened. The policewoman didn't even bat an eyelid when I walked thru the detector with my phone.

I wondered if they didn't switch it on for some reason. So a couple of days later, I pulled the stunt again and waited for someone else to pass through the gate. It beeped like it should have when the other guy walked through. Its definitely not working.

Feeling cheeky, I went back on another day, this time with all kinds of metallic objects I could stuff into my pockets. Coins, phone, keys and keychain, metallic belt buckle, rings..... The metal detector was adamant. It refused to acknowledge the presence of the metals. Bloody hell! I'm starting to think that the machine has already decided that I wasn't any threat to the security.

Then one fine day.... I walked thru without the metallic objects. I was only holding on to a book. It bloody BEEPED me! I looked at the book title-"Angels and Demons"... This machine must be a muslim extremist.....


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