Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Last night, I accidentally touched a scar in her heart. It wasn't really a scar but rather an old wound that hasn't healed completely. She has been stitching up her injury by herself, however painful it must be. She retaliated in anger and frustration when I touched the scar.

I didn't mean to harm her or to cause her distress. I have my own scars even though they are very much different from her, they were still inflictions from the past. I suppose I was lucky that I was able to push my pain away and let the wounds close up by themselves. Unfortunately, she has constant reminders of the pain.

She doesn't want any help from others while she tends to herself. I respect that because it is a strength of her's. I would still be standing right beside her when she heals herself. So that I may catch her if she stumbles, so that I may hug her if she shivers. I want so desperately to grow bigger and stronger. So that I can provide a wing over her head should she need it one day.

I want to do it not because I am noble nor because I understand her pain. I want to do it because I've willingly sacrificed my heart to her. My heart hurts because hers does.....


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