Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Final Destination 3

Haven't watched the movie but I'm an avid fan to the previous 2 installations. The idea of Death playing cat and mouse with humans was novel and kinda endearing in a sense. Why is it endearing? Well, the main reason is because Death himself is a serious old guy who never thinks much about games. He's really boring if Life don't tease him now and then. I wouldn't say that its fun to hang around Life also... You know how people keeps complaining that Life's a bitch? Well, she says thank you everytime someone utters that comment.

Actually, if there were really games being involved. Its probably Life playing tricks. If you ask me, it wasn't death playing cat and mouse with the victims in the movie. It was Life yanking them away after a brief touch from Death. Sounds like a brat? Its not like Death spanks her....


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