Time now is 0439hrs 290405, still can't sleep. Finally finished a hellish week with my platoon. Work came up to my nostrils. Heard from Carol that Kally learnt about my blog and read it. Her first comments?
" Its quite deep"
So does that mean that I appear as a shallow kind of guy to her? Not that it matters anyway. I wear a different 'mask' in front of different persons. The more you know me, the more variations of my 'masks' will be revealed to you. Mostly, I like to be quiet and be on my own. That's the first 'mask' most people will see. Most would think I'm dao and unsociable. Hell, even my god sister once thought of me as an obnoxious pig that she hoped she wouldn't have to interact with.
Quoted from 'SHREK' ,:"Orges are like onions, we have layers."
I think most of us are like that. We present ourselves differently to what is acceptable to different situations and people. Only the non conformists are most at ease with themselves in this society.
Speaking about society, I remember reading off Carol's blog about her helping this elderly man in Orchard Road get back home when no one else paid any attention to him. She was kinda turned off that no one was willing to sacrifice a little of their time to help a feeble old man. I've got a couple of thoughts about this. At first I was thinking, most people don't seem to sympathise with the eldery simply because youth is still with them. They have no idea how difficult life can be once time catches up. Perhaps they have an obscure belief that immortality is an attainable goal and time will always be on their side. I remember reading somewhere " Youth - is wasted on the young". How very true... The young are naive and squander most of their youths on the lesser important things in life because there is plenty of time for them. When the wretched 'disease' we call 'ageing' manifests itself upon the young, they realised too late that they're mere mortals and time was never on their side.
This brought me to a new consideration. Perhaps, people do realise that their mortality is limited. Time is a luxury that they were never entitled to enjoy. Seize the day! Grab every opportunity! Don't waste YOUR precious time helping an useless old fool. His time has gone and his 'expiry date' is probably around the corner. There is no need to spend time on someone who may cease to exist at any given moment. Let us get on with our lives.....
A little far fetched I supposed but it isn't very far from the truth. The fact that the human spirit can choose to be selfish, allowing our very souls to sink into the abyss of the corruption of mankind, is undeniable. The devil is gleefully waiting in the depths of purgatory, rubbing his three pronged fork in anticipation...
Thinking of 'home' is making me feel sleepy. That's it for the night. I'll be back again in 24hrs.