Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Idiots for friends?

She was surfing through some of the other girls' blogs for their accounts of what happened on that faithful day. I realised that most of them have had no idea that lightning can kill. Isn't that common knowledge? Lightnings are dangerous! No buts!

Its not fearlessness that my fellow surfers have when they daringly chase after thunderstorms for those strong winds they strongly sought for. It is pure stupidity... I'm not saying this because I don't them or am pointing fingers... ( I blame her too!) I mean, there was already a previous case of a lightning striking another surfer but no one seemed to have learnt the lesson. How stupid can people get? Do you really need someone to die before your very eyes before you admit that lightning has the power to kill?