Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You?
You Are Dancer |
![]() Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance. Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer. Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly. |
Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.
You Are Dancer |
![]() Carefree and fun, you always find reasons to do a happy dance. Why You're Naughty: That dark stint you had as Santa's private dancer. Why You're Nice: You're friendly. Very friendly. |
Was buying an electrical flask for boiling water today. First thing I did was head straight for the local brand, "Aifa". As the local brand, it should be cheaper than the imported ones. Was checking out the various design and size since I didn't need something huge. So I found the smallest one on display. Its a 1 litre heater with a huge colourful logo on it. " Designed in Singapore". Fwah, of course must support Singapore mah.
So I chose a nice blue coloured one and brought it to the counter to pay. There was this Auntie in front of me buying an electrical flask too. I squinted my eyes to look at the features on her box (eyes small....must squint to increase eye power. Machiam like Superman when he wants to activate his heat rays or x-ray vision....). I realised that her's was a 1.8 litre flask and its the small price! Wah, how can? Being a Singapore, must go for cheap and good. Why settle for something less when you can get a better one at the same price?
Tak Boleh! So I took my box and trotted back to the electical appliances section to look for the 'Cornell" flask. The moment I got back to that section, a young man behind a counter stopped me and told me he had to test the flask for me. He said that the "Aifa" model gives me 3 months warranty so he has to test it before my purchase. I handed him the box and was about to tell him that I didn't want to buy it anyway but he asked me something else. "would prefer to get the 'Cornell' brand? Its has a one year warranty and it holds 1.8 litre."
Immediately I could hear a little voice in my head screaming," To hell with the local brand! Get the imported one! If the locals don't support 'Aifa', why should I?"
So I bought the same priced "Cornell" with a longer warranty and larger capacity. But its purple in colour...(the only colour manufactured... it does not reflect anything about my sex life!)