Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


My name is L18n7. I have organic skin and hair like a human, my processing system is a simulation of the human mind( only faster). My father was technology developing software. He has been obsolete for 3 months. My mother is a Terra Robotics Corporation factory located in Continent 5, what was previously known as South America. I was conceived and born in approximately 2 hours, 57 minutes and 48 seconds. I now reside in Continent 1, what was previously known as Asia, working on a variety of jobs. The planet Terra, P.K.A. Earth, has been fully automated since 2 centuries ago. There are only approximately 4 million humans left on Terra, out of the 135.3358 billion that resides in the Milky Way Galaxy. Humans have been colonising parts of the Universe for the past millenia. There have been records of 4.583 thousand intelligent life-forms discovered in the Archives of Project Exploration. Of these, 1.334 have been found to be hostile and have since been eradicated. I was part of the last eradication programme, what would be have been termed as an alien invasion for the lack of a better description. I've been tasked to encode my experience, to be analysed by Terra's Mainframe for better efficiency in our next 'conquest'. The copy you are reading now is a 'human-friendly' format to be inserted into the Archives.

Training-4 hours, 28 minutes and 17 seconds.

I was brought to the military academy for uploading of weapons handling, vehicles operation and maintenance, tactical manoeuvers, enemy bio-data, enemy warfare data... After the upload, I was issued with the standard infantry fieldpack. After checking the inventory of the fieldpack, I marched with the rest of the cyborgs and human soldiers to the convey ships. On board the convey ship, I was hooked up to the ship's system for furthur briefing on my mission objectives and my unit's ORBAT and callsigns.

T -30 mins to D hour.

I was the designated driver for the 2nd AAPC (Armoured Assault Personnel Carrier) in a convoy of 20. My vehicle commander was Master Chief, Julian Kragger, a veteran who have participated in the last 3 eradication programmes. MC Kragger was born on Terran's moon and was 492 years of age. He was born to Warrior class parents; most of his body parts were either genetically modified or replaced by mechanical parts when he reached 18. Being a natural soldier, his aging process is slower than normal. At 300, he looked barely a day older than 21 ( 21 years of unmodified human lifespan). Almost reaching 500, he has barely crossed the threshold of physical peak. En route to the rendevous point, he was sharing his experience with me as well as giving me advice when out in the field. This was redundant since I have downloaded more actual tactice battle scenarios than he could achieve in 4 lifetimes. Being polite to my superior officer, I refrained from stopping him and displayed what would pass off as admiration on my 'human' face. After 3 hours of piloting, we reached the RP without a hitch. MC Kragger seemed to change into a different man the moment his feet made contact with the soil. Alighting from the AAPC, Master Chief began barking orders at the infantry squads under his charge. Our objective was to raze one of the enemies' breeding nest....


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