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Friday, August 12, 2005

Men in Blue

I have to reveal this... I'm not really fond of the police force in Singapore. Several small brushes with them when I was growing up really put me off policemen... Now they have to do something weird like this.

There were only 4 protestors... its only illegal if you have 5 without a permit. The commander obviously never learnt to count past three... And how are the 4 protestors a nuisance to public? By standing in silence and holding up their billboards? If that's the case, those teenagers who gather in groups holding posters and albums screaming out their idols' names should be arrested and sent to jail without trial...

And they were 'overdressed' for the 'occasion'... Shields? Batons? Siao ah! You want to whacked some middle aged unarmed civilians if they refuse to leave? Must be the uniform..... Its suppose to make you look smart...


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