Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Note: The following blog entry has NOT been approved for
by the disgusting blogging association of Xed

For the past 3 days, my digestive systems have been giving me problems. Well, its actually just one problem. And his name is Diarrhoea a.k.a Don (He's a very distant cousin of gonorrhea...I'm kidding). Not a well-liked fella I tell you. He's been screwing around with the waste disposal guys' schedule. He's a sabotage expert I tell you. Not only has the waste disposal guys been working overtime for nothing, Don has even managed to convince Mr Duatng to cut back on the water absorption intake by telling him I'm retaining excessive water! The nerve of that fella... Rec and Ana are extremely unhappy right now and are spamming the email systems with complaints. This has affected the brain department's ability to manage daily affairs conherently. Everyone's confused right now. Take senario 1 for example; the waste disposal guys have dispatched a shipment of waterlogged waste to Rec and Ana for clearance. Moments after everything has been completed and cleaned up, Don hacks the sirens and alarms to go off signalling that there's more shipments to be cleared.

This is not my first encounter with Don....he has done much worse before. I'm going to have to find Charcoal, otherwise called Carbie, to settle this. Carbie hasn't been on good terms with Don and he is almost as adept as (some say better than) Don in hacking. I don't want to come in contact with another piece of toilet paper again for at least 24 hours...


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