Are you reading my mind? Or are you getting lost in it?

Don't presume you know me, cos I sure as hell don't.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

New Laptop

Alright, I've finally gotten my hands on a new laptop. This little baby cost me a bomb. Literally blowing my pay away. At least with Trevor (Acer Travelmate... so call it Trevor) around, I don't have to stay in the office to do mundane paper work. Just copy over from my office computer and off I go back into my bunk. Besides, my PC has been throwing tantrums like a spoilt kid. She must have known that I'm going to get a laptop and just wants to grab as much attention while she can.

Anyway, Trev is my new asociate in blogging. I don't have to borrow laptops or wait for a computer terminal with internet connection anymore. At least every weekend I'll get to bring Trev out to a cafe or foodcourt with free wireless broadband and I'll be able to get online. Won't be so convenient in camp though as I still need a telephone line to dial up. Can't you believe it? I have to use 56k dial up here and it costs 1 ringgit per hour! What the economy needs is some competition. The service isn't impressive and the price tag is exorbitant.

Nonetheless, I'll be saving some money on entertainment as well. I don't need to buy a TV or DVD player or PS or XBOX etc... A laptop is almost like an all in one machine. I can play DVDs, make phone calls play games, download books to read.

Ok, that's all for this week.


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